Please note: New Meeting Location for 2025
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 5-8 p.m. Meet & Greet, Grove City Brewing Company, 3946 Broadway, Grove City 43123
Saturday, Feb. 8, 6 p.m. Clann Na nGael Dinner, Renaissance Columbus, Polaris, 409 Altair Parkway, Westerville
Purchase tickets online.
Sunday, Feb. 9, 2 p.m. February Meeting, Trinity United Methodist Church, 1581 Cambridge Blvd.
Sunday, March 2, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Irish Breakfast, Our Lady of Victory Church, 1559 Roxbury Road, Columbus 43212
Sunday, March 2, 1:30 p.m. March Meeting, Our Lady of Victory Church, 1559 Roxbury Road
Sunday, April 13, 2 p.m. April Meeting, Trinity United Methodist Church, 1581 Cambridge Blvd.
Saturday, April 19, 11 a.m. Children's Easter Party, Shamrock Club, 60 West Castle Road, 43207
Sunday, May 4, 2 p.m. May Meeting & Election, Trinity United Methodist Church, 1581 Cambridge Blvd.
Sunday, June 8, 2 p.m. June Meeting, Trinity United Methodist Church, 1581 Cambridge Blvd.
Visit the newsletters page for DOE updates, activities and meeting information.
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 5-8 p.m. Meet & Greet, Grove City Brewing Company, 3946 Broadway, Grove City 43123
Saturday, Feb. 8, 6 p.m. Clann Na nGael Dinner, Renaissance Columbus, Polaris, 409 Altair Parkway, Westerville
Purchase tickets online.
Sunday, Feb. 9, 2 p.m. February Meeting, Trinity United Methodist Church, 1581 Cambridge Blvd.
Sunday, March 2, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Irish Breakfast, Our Lady of Victory Church, 1559 Roxbury Road, Columbus 43212
Sunday, March 2, 1:30 p.m. March Meeting, Our Lady of Victory Church, 1559 Roxbury Road
Sunday, April 13, 2 p.m. April Meeting, Trinity United Methodist Church, 1581 Cambridge Blvd.
Saturday, April 19, 11 a.m. Children's Easter Party, Shamrock Club, 60 West Castle Road, 43207
Sunday, May 4, 2 p.m. May Meeting & Election, Trinity United Methodist Church, 1581 Cambridge Blvd.
Sunday, June 8, 2 p.m. June Meeting, Trinity United Methodist Church, 1581 Cambridge Blvd.
Visit the newsletters page for DOE updates, activities and meeting information.
Monthly Meetings
View the Daughters of Erin Echo of Erin for current activities. Second Sunday of the month Trinity United Methodist Church 1581 Cambridge Blvd., Columbus 43212 January Our Member of the year is announced at the January Meeting. Bowling Extravaganza Each year the Junior Division hosts a bowling fundraiser. Teams enjoy an afternoon of bowling and silent auction and raffle prizes. March Irish Breakfast The second Sunday in March we have our annual breakfast where our members prepare and serve a traditional Irish breakfast. Our fundraising table is filled with Irish items, the annual raffle supports our St. Patrick's Day parade participation. Saint Patrick's Day Leading up to the event we sell our commemorative badges and plan for our participation in the parade. Our float is always one of the parade highlights. We begin the big day with a procession to mass, honoring the patron saint of all Irish people. After mass we march in the parade through downtown Columbus to the Irish Family Reunion. This is a special day for the Irish community. Friendships are rekindled and the soul of the Irish is renewed. March / April Easter Egg Hunt The Children's Easter Egg Hunt is held the Saturday before Easter, at the Shamrock Club (60 W. Castle, Columbus, OH). Doors open at 11 a.m. May Election of Officers Every May we elect a President, Vice President, Secretary and three Board Members. All regular and honorary members who have paid their dues one month prior to the election are eligible to vote. Officers and Board members serve for one year and may not serve in the same office for more than two consecutive terms. |
May (continued)
May Crowning A May Crowning is held to honor the Virgin Mary. Officer Installation Dinner Each year we elect club officers and board members. We have an informal dinner where the installation of the newly elected officers takes place. July Daughters of Erin Golf Outing The annual golf outing fundraiser, we volunteer and coordinate the golfers, hole sponsors and raffle prizes. August Daughters of Erin Tea Room at the Dublin Irish Festival Each year we bake scones, Irish Soda Bread, brown bread, homemade breads, cookies and more for the Dublin Irish Festival D.O.E. Irish Tea Room. Visitors enjoy a relaxing cup of ice tea, hot or cold coffee and a delicious afternoon or evening snack. On Sunday morning, stop back for breakfast and some tasty bread pudding. October 47th Anniversary in 2025 We celebrate our anniversary at our October meeting with a special party. This is a great time for all members to get together and celebrate Irish heritage and the accomplishments of the organization. December Children's Christmas Party Our Children's Christmas Party is the second Saturday in December held at the Shamrock Club (60 W. Castle, Columbus, OH). Doors open at 11a.m. Christmas Party & Dinner At our December meeting we celebrate the holidays with the best and most fun Basket Raffle you've ever seen! One of the most exciting awards annually is announcement of the Irish Woman of the Year. Gifts are collected for families we adopt each year. Family information (ages, gender, sizes, etc.) and wish lists are collected and printed in the newsletter in advance so that members may buy for the families. In the past we have donated clothes, toys, toiletries, household items, tools, as well as furniture. |